Thursday 10 January 2013

Car Crash Prank

Car Crash Prank Biography

There are funny pranks and those that are just plain cruel. This one, where a husband convinces his wife that they’re about to be creamed by a semi truck in a head-on collision, is definitely more the latter. Hey, this could be grounds for divorce, buddy.While on the way to the airport to pick up his wife’s family, the husband spies a truck being towed in front of them. So, he decides to prank his sleeping wife by making her believe they’re about to be part of a terrible accident.

He speeds up despite protest from his children in the back seat (way to traumatize your kids, dad) and wakes his wife with a shout as the truck looms over them. Needless to say, the woman wakes up screaming, then later takes her frustrations on the goofball husband with several well-placed punches.COLUMBUS, Ohio — Police say two teens are being charged with involuntary manslaughter after a prank they pulled resulted in a fatal car crash.

Derek W. Greenlee, 18, and Seth R. Stonerock, 19, are accused of concealing a stop sign with several layers of plastic wrap and petroleum jelly, rendering it invisible to motorists.

Afterwards, they both went on Facebook and posted about how funny their prank was until they got exactly what they wanted, and two elderly women breezed through the stop sign and into the path of an SUV pulling a boat.

Mary Spangler, 85, died in the crash while her 80-year-old sister, Jeanne Shea, remains in critical condition at the hospital where one of her legs was amputated above the knee.

Although the boys tried to hide what they had done by deleting their Facebook posts, others had already seen them and contacted police after news of the crash began to spread.

Neither of the high school graduates have a criminal record and Greenlee was considered the best high-school golfer in the county, but if convicted they’re looking at a possible five year prison sentence.

Me and my friends were no angels growing up and pulled our fair share of pranks as bored teens, although we were a few years younger than these two. But whether we were playing the rope trick, or even the admittedly stupid act of hitting slow-moving cars with tennis balls, we never intended on anyone crashing.

That’s not to say our pranks may not have lead to someone crashing, but it would have been an unforeseen consequence. What these two did had no other intended result but to cause some sort of accident. What they did is no different than the people who drop large rocks from overpasses.

Read more: man's airborne proposal took his girlfriend's breath away when he pretended that their small plane was in trouble and asked her to read an emergency checklist that contained instructions for a "ring engagement procedure."
The groom-to-be was filming the entire episode on hidden camera, and he posted the video, "In Descent Proposal," on YouTube.
The man, Ryan Thompson, was flying his girlfriend, Carlie Kennedy, on a breathtaking flight above the Chicago skyline.
The video, which includes the date 2.11.12, contains no dialogue, just music and captions at the bottom of the screen to describe the conversation.
At first, the two are smiling. They appear happy, and the sky forms a brilliant blue backdrop.
"I thought he was surprising me for Valentine's Day," said Kennedy. "It was a gorgeous day, as you can see in the video."
Related: Russian man fakes car accident death in grisly proposal
But after a short while, the plane appears to shake and Carlie's smile falters.
"All of a sudden I felt my stomach kind of go up in my throat and I realized we were heading straight for the water," Kennedy said. "And then he [Thompson] said, 'Honey, I need you to stay calm. The flight controls aren't working.'"
Car Crash Prank
Car Crash Prank
Car Crash Prank

Car Crash Prank
Car Crash Prank
Car Crash Prank

Car Crash Prank
Car Crash Prank

Car Crash Prank
Car Crash Prank
Car Crash Prank

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